Feedback from lots of different areas is really important to us and helps us to improve, develop and recognise what we are doing well. Please see some of feedback to date...
Summer 2018 Food & Menu Survey
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Our Parent / Carer Food & Menu survey results are now published on our website. Would like to thank all the parents/ carers for your valued participation and a OUSTANDING response rate at 96 %. Thank you, your feedback is really welcomed. Please take time to look at what is being said about Happy Bunnies.
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Happy Bunnies are proud to announce that we have been successfully awarded our HEALTHY LIVING BABY FRIENDLY AWARD! This recognises that we welcome Breastfeeding Parents and offer a comfortable, quiet space for Parents to feed their children🐰🐰
Term 1 Parent/ Carer feedback and results now in
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Term 1 parent / survey has been completed and our feedback and results have been complied. Big thank you to the parents and carers who took the time out to tell us what you think. Your thoughts and ideas are really welcome and appreciated as it confirms to us what we are doing well and also informs action to be taken to continue to improve 🙂🐰🙂🐰 please see what you think. thanks
Parent / Carer Survey Term 1: Theme- You and your childs first experience
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Happy Bunnies value your feedback and ideas which is really important in ensuring your child's experience at our nursery is of the highest quality. Our Parent / Carer survey will be rolled out over the next week for Term 1. Our first theme will be you and your child's experience coming into the Nursery. Once we have the feedback in we will be sharing feedback.
5 star food rating
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It's official Happy Bunnies has just received it's 5 star food rating !